Short Bio & CV
My fascination for photography’s magic started at an early age (around ten). It is my belief that when shown alternatives to ways we observe, see and solve things, the world could change for the better. Once figured out, nature could provide us with all that is needed. Follow nature, I’d say.
I graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, the Netherlands, and from then on worked on various assignments. From advertising photography for major companies, portraits of the famous and less famous, to what’s called ‘street photography’. I initiated and produced projects like a Photography Festival in Rotterdam, a benefit artauction and a humanitarian aid-collection for Syria on 7 Art Academies in the Netherlands. I’ve developed concepts like an ‘Art-Lift’ for the renowned museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam and a landscape sculpture combining sports & art. My work has been in several exhibitions and some publications. I was on the longlist for the Prix de Rome and worked as a tutor at the Willem de Kooning Academy. Since 2020 my main focus lies on insects, especially insects that are unobtrusive, for there’s no bigger diversity then biodiversity.
My connection with nature came at an even earlier age. My first recollection of life coincides with the moment I almost drowned. In an attempt to pick a flower of a cattail for my mum which grew in the pond near our house I pulled myself into the water. I was 2 1/2 years old. I recall being impressed by the dimmed light and the muffled sounds while submerged. Some workman, doing maintenance on vegetation surrounding the pond, heard the splash and pulled me out. My floating bonnet, forming this bright orange spot in the middle of lush green leaves, marked my location.
I’m in favour of colours.
Though on my website you might come across some ‘vintage’ B&W.
Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, the Netherlands
Polytechnic Faculty Rotterdam - Architecture
jan 2013 - Clothes Drop Syria Humanitarian-aid-operation with the participation of 7 Art Academies in the Netherlands along with 40 other private addresses to serve as a drop-off point for clothes and aid. In 4 weeks time more then 30 tonnes of aid was collected, which was then shipped to refugees in Syria.
sep 2010 - Art Flow for Pakistan - Rotterdam, Benificial art-auction held at the NAi (Dutch Architecture Institute)
mar 2010 - RotDocFotoFest - 'Close to Home' - Rotterdam 2010 - 1st Rotterdam Documentary Photography Festival in collaboration with 9 guest-curators
okt 2009 - Dagboek Charlois. (Charlois Diary) Bookproject with images and literary texts contributed by 18 adolescents from the neighbourhood Charlois, Rotterdam. In collaboration with 10 writers/poets.
may 2009 - 'Orbis Pictus Caravanus - Naarden 2009 - A travelling exhibition in a mobile home with an ever changing view on the world.

Map RotDocFotoFest Rotterdam, 2010
dec 2024 PAN Amsterdam - Sense of Presence, galerie Zerp
july 2024 Universidad de las Americas, Quito, Ecuador (poster and film screening)
may 2024 Sense of presence Margate Art School, Margate, UK
apr 2024 Sense of presence - Museum Het Land van Strijen
jan 2022 sense of presence - outdoor exhibition, Rotterdam
oct 2021 Atelier-route Kralingen, home gallery & Botanical garden Rotterdam
july 2015 UNGRAVITY - Margreeth Olsthoorn, Rotterdam
oct 2014 Atelier-route Kralingen – exhibition new work and free portraits for visitors
sept 2014 Route du Nord – Palmtree & dates
aug 2014 Delirious Rotterdam – during world harbour days Rotterdam, Hulstkampgebouw
mar 2014 Equilibrium – exhibition about the balance between work & life / home-gallery.
july 2013 Arboretum Trompenburg – garden house. Pictures of trees.
oct 2012 Portraits International Film Festival Rotterdam - In cooperation with EYE Filmmuseum & CBK Zuidoost.
apr 2009 'RogierSchietMotten' - 'RogierShootsMoths' A selection of pictures of moths (Trichoptera) Museum of Natural History, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
nov 2007 SML. Exhibition to celebrate the 325th birthday of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague in cooperation with Guus Rijven and Susan van Hengstum
may 2006 W139/Basement, Amsterdam group exhibition
nov 2004 'Rotterdam Bevalt' - Exhibition of 30 portraits of famous people from Rotterdam, Gallery 'Vips-Art' Rotterdam
dec 2001 Exhibition at gallery 2 1/2 x 4 1/2, Amsterdam dec 2001 Dutch Photography Institute, presentation of SEC 08
group exhibition
oct 2000 Exhibition gallery 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 Amsterdam
Sponsored by Art Lab Rotterdam
juli 1998 Nieuwe Oogst. ' New Harvest'
Mondriaanhuis Amersfoort. group exhibition
sept 1997 People of the City, Krefeld, group exhibition
juli 1997 Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
dec 1996 Streetgallery Amsterdam Centre of Photography three photographs taken at the fairground in Rotterdam

Outdoor exhibition Rotterdam 2022
2023 Volkskrant Magazine - sense of presence
2013 Het Beste van Nederland (The best of the Netherlands) by Rik Zaal - Publisher: Lebowski
2009 PUBLICATION, bi-annual printed publication by Nick Turpin, UK
2004 Rotterdam Bevalt, 30 interviews with famous people from Rotterdam
Publisher: Uitgeverij Kapstok
2002 Prix de Rome 2002, Uitgeverij 010 Publishers, Rotterdam (longlist)
2001 Panl Awards # 11, Portfolio series: Silver People: Silver & Gold
2001 Camera Austria, Forum no. 75
2001 SEC O8
2000 Search For Art 4.0 www.searchforart.org
1999 SEEN - Canon Magazine, portfolio Innocent Bystanders
1998 Camera Austria, Forum. No. 62-63
1996 European Cultural Foundation, Images Of Europe

Cover book ‘Het beste van Nederland’
sept 2012/jan 2013 - Teacher/tutor Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
2017 Following butterflies, Museum of Natural History, Rotterdam (NL)
2014 A B C - Rotterdam Open Doek, Lantaren/Venster cinema (NL)
2012 The Hare - Rotterdam Open Doek, Lantaren/Venster cinema (NL)
2009 The Hare - Bridget, New York (US)

Flyer Bridget screening ‘The hare’
2005 Best magazine photograph, the Netherlands. (Neelie Kroes, issued in Intermediair)
2002 Magnet (best photography recruitment advertisement for IBM)
2002 Long list Prix de Rome
2001 Photography Award of the Netherlands (PANL) - 1 gold and 2 silver nominations
2000 Search for Art nominee, a worldwide call by Mandarina Duck. Publication with work by 100 contemporary artists.

Prix de Rome publication, 2001 (foto = link naar publicatie, pagina 26/27)
Commercial/Editorial work
Less Agency, IFFR Rotterdam, BEN, KesselsKramer, Volvo, SVB, IBM, VPRO, Aegon, New York Times, ING, ARA Advertising, Interpay, CARP, Intermediair, HP de Tijd, Credits Media, ING/Postbank, ILSE, Ordina, THONIK, Ontwerpwerk, TPG-Post, De Groene Amsterdammer, Leuke Dingen Doen, Ordina, Quote Magazine, Rijkswaterstaat, De Toneelschuur Haarlem.

BEN telephone company - commercial ad photograph